Game Specs: Secret Char, Wooden Ball, 18 holes.
Go to the character
select. Leave the mouse alone. Press TAB (the button above caps lock) UNTIL the CHOMBY is selected. Press Tab ONE more
time, and then press ENTER, you'll get the secret character
Hole 1:
Look at the letters HE in the word
THE in the beginning of the text at the bottom. Put your fingertip of the cursor to the top left of the E and the
top right of the H, and click, use the secret character for all of these by the way, and wooden ball. Do this and yuo'll
get a hole in 1 for 75 points.
Hole 2:
Look at the B in BUTTON. Place the fingertip of the cursor at the
BOTTOM LEFT of the B, and shoot the ball, you will get a hole in 1. That's another 75 points, giving you a total of
150 points.
Hole 3:
This hole is VERY tricky.
For whole 3, look at the T in SHOOT. Line the fingertip
of your mouse cursor up with the exact top middle of the T. That's where the horizontal and vertical lines of the
letter join. Move the fingertip up TWO pixels*, and shoot.
* = A pixel is the little dots of color that make your
computer's monitor show color.
If you look closely, you can see the cursor moves VERY SLIGHTLY upwards. That's
what you need to do. Ok...
Hole 4
Pretend the V in MOVE is a rectangle. Put the fingertip of the cursor in
the center, and fire. Hole in 1 - 75 points, total points - 300 (hopefully if you did hole 3 right). That is to say, you
should do it in line with where the two lines of the V join up, just above it.
Hole 5
This whole is very
tricky, and it's only possible to get a hole in 2 on this hole. First Shot: Look to the right of where your golf ball
is. You will see some dark red boundaries. On the lower one, move your cursor (which should now be a hand) to the
point of it, so that the tip of the finger is hitting the right-to-left-upwards slope, and the bottom right corner of
the wrist is hitting the right-to-left-downwards slope. Shoot the ball. Second Shot: Set your shot to be maximum power,
that is to say, move your cursor away from the ball. Look at the semi-transparent black oval, and adjust your shot
to go downwards halfway between 6 o'clock and 7 o'clock. Look at the tree in the middle of the game area. Look at the
top right set of leaves. Look at the furthest-right leaves on it. Make sure the edge of the black circle {C} Make
sure the edge of the black circle goes in between them, then fire. Normally the ball will edge towards the hole, and then
just fall in at the last second.
Hole 6.
Look at the T in THE in MOVE THE MOUSE. Click the fingertip of
the cursor at the TOP RIGHT of the T. hole in 1. You SHOULD have 400 points now if you've been following my guide
Hole 7: - First Shot: Click the mouse at the point halfway between the top left and the top middle
of the second "T" in "BUTTON". This will sometimes go in the hole for a hole in 1 & 75 points. Normally it gives an
easy shot for an Eagle, for 50 points. - Second Shot: If the ball didn't go in, take the easy eagle shot for 50
Hole 8: - First Shot: Click the mouse at the top right of the second "T" and top left of the "O" in
"BUTTON" - Second Shot: Shoot the ball in a 1 o'clock direction at full power. This will normally put it in the top
right section of this part of the hole.
Hole 9: There is four parts on this hole, mainly because it used to
be a 9-hole game, before they released the "back 9". - First Shot: Look at the hole above you and to the right. Position
your cursor at the point where the silver lining of the play area crosses and changes the direction above the hole,
and shoot. - Second Shot: Straight shot into the hole - Third Shot: Click the mouse at the top right of the "?" in the
hole title. - Fourth Shot: You need to get a bit lucky here. Shoot the ball in a direction which would just be
above 3 o'clock (2:50 o'clock? ) at about 50%-70% power. This will normally go into the hole
Hole 10
the mouse in the middle of the horizontal line in the "A" of "AIM"
Hole 11:
Click the mouse at the top
middle of the second "T" in "BUTTON"
Hole 12: Click the mouse at the bottom middle of the "S" in the second
Hole 13: - First Shot: Aim for the bottom left of the tree on the left above you. Fire. This will hopefully
go in the third-from-left hole in this section of the hole. - Second Shot: Should be a straight shot. If it isn't,
you should always be able to get it in your third shot. - Third Shot: Straight shot
Hole 14: - First Shot:
Click the mouse at the top middle of the "Y" in the title of the hole. Make sure it's at the top in between the two upwards
prongs of the Y, NOT at the top of the vertical line of the Y. This will send the ball into the hole - Second Shot:
Do a steady shot so that it bounces only once against the wall and then goes into the area where the hole is. Normally
the ball will go in. If not, you can normally get the ball in the hole on your third shot.
Hole 15: - First
Shot: Click the top right of the "E" in "THE" in "MOVE THE MOUSE". The ball will either go a) into the straight bit of
the area where the hole is b) It will go into the lava section - Second Shot: Shoot the ball over the hill at
an angle if you got into the section with the hole for an Eagle & 50 Points. If not, shoot the ball into the entrance
of the straight section of the hole. - Third Shot: Shoot it over the hill at an angle
Hole 16: - First Shot:
Pretend the "O" in the last "TO" is a square. Click the bottom left of the "O" in "TO". - Second Shot: Shoot the ball
straight downwards, so the black aiming line is completely straight and vertical, at full power
Hole 17: - First
Shot: Click the top of the second "L" in "BALL". - Second Shot: Look at the tree in the middle of the area. Look directly
above it near the top of the play area. Look at the dark red boundary of the hole. Click the corner which changes the
direction of the dark red boundary from downwards left to right where it goes to upwards left to right. Note that
this must be the corner that is joined with the brown ground, not the silver boundary.
Hole 18:
First Shot: Top
right of the "T" and top left of the "O" in "TO" in "BUTTON TO SHOOT"
Second Shot: Straight shot to the hole.
Shot: Straight shot to hole. Shoot at about 75% power.
Fourth Shot: Look at the large rock below the ball. It has
a ~ kind of top. Aim the ball for the middle of the indent in the rock.